"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well."R. W. Emerson

I am certified ERYT (experienced yoga teacher) as well as a sport coach, spine therapist and wellness therapist.
My first official teacher training was in 2008., at that time I was already devotionally practising ashtanga yoga. After first teacher training in renomated Yoga center in Thailand, my journey as a yoga teacher started. Being on many seminars, trainings and schools as a student, such as prenatal and postnatal yoga, hatha yoga, astanga yoga, kundalini yoga, medical yoga, yoga therapy, mindfulness meditation, vipassana, zen yoga, etc., it is difficult to recall all trainings I did and how much time I spent learning about yoga. But still, my first teacher training with teacher Paul Dallaghan inspired my lifeˈs journey.
Could say that ancient Indian tradition and yoga interested me since 1998. At that time there were not many people sharing it so easy and what I could pick up was mostly from books and training that took place very rarely.
First I started to explore about Yoga in daily life and Bhakti yoga, mostly through books.
My mother was always surrounded with the natural way of living, teaching me that love and simple life are essence of the being. I am very grateful for such a blessing.
I was lucky that I did not struggle at all with yoga philosophy, as for me it was like I finally found something that was corresponding with my soul and the way I wanted to live my life.
As a child I was highly sensitive. I did not understand why people need to fight, why animals have to be killed and why can't we all be just grateful for what we have.
For past 15 years I have been travelling to different countries, visiting teachers that are worldwide famous now. When I started with yoga almost nobody knew about those teachers. It made me smile when I realized that I was not chasing after some publicity and it did not change me as a person. I am still very humble with my personal practice and believe that we can all learn from each other any time. Yoga is not just a job for me, it is my dharma, my life. Passionate about learning more and digging deeper I have also explored different body movements throughout contact improvisation dance workshops. I love to create something out of nothing, explore, travel and move. My friends call me a nomadic yogi, although I always think that I do not travel much as I could. No matter what happens I truly love life and change that it brings. I still for sure believe in magic. My inner child is very playful and I am truly in love with just being here. Living from the heart and being true to myself is most important daily yoga practise.
I am a founder and lead teacher at Satya Yoga Studio in Croatia, as well as a guest teacher in other world countries. My own practice is astanga yoga, but I am also teaching and exploring many different parts and styles such as hatha, vinyasa, yin, kundalini, restorative and other.
By other education I am MA of Laws, MA in Economics, sport coach, teacher and massage therapist. This all fits together very nicely but for sure I learn more every day and I love it.
"Yoga is the science of experience, the art of living."O. P. Tiwari